What happened at Amálie

What happened at Amálie in the last quarter of 2020. Take a look:

  • in cooperation with AOPK, we planted 100 new summer oak seedlings along the cleaned drainage ditch on the northern side of the site in the Karlův luh catchment and also along one of the dirt roads.
  • a further 250 trees will be planted this spring, mainly of the wild fruit variety. These will complement the already existing thinning alleys of trees that accompany the roads in the Amálie locality.


  • two water reservoirs with a capacity of up to 100 m3 were also built in front of the mouth of the drainage channel mentioned above to catch and slow down the runoff from this part of the area.


  • on the southern side of the Amálie site, a system of ten dams in the hillside was built to slow down the water runoff from the area.


  • we are currently constructing a wetland area with a root treatment plant in direct connection to this swale. This will be ready by spring.


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